This article studies hypoellipticity on general filtered manifolds. We extend the Rockland criterion to a pseudodifferential calculus on filtered manifolds, construct a parametrix and describe its precise analytic structure. We use this result to study Rockland sequences, a notion generalizing elliptic sequences to filtered manifolds. The main application that we present is to the analysis of the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand (BGG) sequences over regular parabolic geometries. We do this by generalizing the BGG machinery to more general filtered manifolds (in a non-canonical way) and show that the generalized BGG sequences are Rockland in a graded sense.
Filtered manifoldPseudodifferential operatorHypoelliptic operatorRockland operatorHypoelliptic sequenceRockland sequenceBGG sequenceRumin–Seshadri operatorEngel structureGeneric rank two distribution in dimension five