Partial and integral molar enthalpies of mixing of binary liquid Li-Zn alloys and ternary liquid Li-Sn-Zn alloys were determined by drop calorimetry at 823 K. The binary system was investigated up to xZn = 0.85 and the integral mixing enthalpy was described with a Redlich-Kister-polynomial. Li-Zn shows an exothermic behavior and a minimum molar mixing enthalpy of about ΔHmix = -11.7 kJ⋅mol−1 at xZn = 0.6. The mixing enthalpy along nine ternary sections of Li-Sn-Zn (A: xLi/xSn ≈ 9:11, B: xLi/xSn ≈ 1:4, C: xSn/xZn ≈ 9:1, D: xSn/xZn ≈ 7:3, E: xSn/xZn ≈ 1:1, F: xLi/xZn ≈ 1:3, G: xLi/xZn ≈ 1:1, H: xLi/xZn ≈ 3:2, I: xLi/xZn ≈ 7:3) was investigated. Solid pieces of Li, Sn, and Zn respectively were dropped to the liquid binary starting alloys in the calorimeter at 823 K. The integral values at the crossing points of the various sections show excellent agreement. The course of the partial and integral enthalpy values along the sections A, D, E, F, G, H, and I indicate multiple-phase regions. The occurrence of such partially liquid and de-mixed liquid regions is discussed and compared with a calculated version of the isothermal section at 823 K which exhibits a large ternary liquid miscibility gap. The experimental ternary data allocated to the fully liquid monophasic regions was numerically fitted based on a Redlich-Kister-Muggianu polynomial for substitutional solutions including ternary interactions. In addition, a comparison with enthalpy values from the extrapolation methods based on binary data according to the Muggianu and Toop model, respectively, is shown. Both models fail to accurately reproduce the experimental values. Iso-enthalpy plots of calculated integral mixing enthalpy for stable and metastable fully homogeneous liquid alloys for the entire ternary system are shown.
Li-Sn-ZnLi-ZnLiquid alloysEnthalpy of mixingCalorimetryMiscibility gap